The Town of Kiawah Island is actively monitoring a potential Tropical Cyclone Four, currently located over eastern Cuba. Tropical storm conditions and heavy rain are expected to impact Florida over the weekend. While it is too early to know specifics on how the storm will impact Charleston County, heavy rain and high wind speeds are possible early next week.
The Town will continue to provide updates to the community and coordinate with the Kiawah Island Community Association and other island organizations as the storm progresses.
Begin Preparations
Residents and property owners are advised to monitor local media over this weekend through next week, review their hurricane plans, and ensure their emergency kit is ready and packed if needed. A list of emergency kit items can be found here.
Emergency Notifications
The Town of Kiawah Island leads communications in an emergency situation. Be sure to get the latest updates from the town by registering for CodeRED and emergency email notifications.
Hurricane Guides
Helpful Links