(L-R, Front Row) Sewee Outpost staff - Hampden Geer, Grady Molino, Jenna SkelleySewee Outpost owner Brooks Geer, VFW Americanism - Kathy Held, Lisa Lasko (L-R, Back row) Members of the VFW and Auxiliary, Post 3137. (Photo Credit: VFW Auxiliary Post 3137)
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary, Post 3137, on the Isle of Palms recently recognized a local business with their Americanism Award. The honor is presented to local businesses for patriotism and the display of the U.S. flag during daily operations.
The Americanism Committee chairpersons, Lisa Lasko and Kathy Held, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Sewee Outpost, located at 4853 Highway 17 North in Awendaw, on July 10, 2024.
Sewee Outpost owners Brooks and Arthur Geer were recognized for their patriotism and leadership in the community with their daily display of the American flag at the entrance to their business.
The Sewee Outpost provides American-made products for enjoying the outdoors in the Lowcountry, as well as locally sourced food items.
The Geer brothers opened the Outpost in 2004.