Mayor Pat O’Neil and Sen. Mark Daly
Sullivan’s Island officials got a visit from an old friend May 3, when the chair of the Senate of Ireland dropped by Town Hall.
Sen. Mark Daly was in the United States as part of an effort to develop trade agreements between Ireland and individual states. Mayor Pat O’Neil presented him with a plaque commemorating his visit, and Daly gave the mayor a replica of the green, white and orange flag that was first flown in 1848 and eventually became the national colors of the Republic of Ireland.
Besides O’Neil, Daly also spoke with Council members Justin Novak, Ned Higgins and Gary Visser, Town Administrator Andy Benke and Judge Michael Molony.
Council members first became acquainted with Daly when he sent O’Neil and the rest of the Council a Happy St. Patrick’s Day email on March 16, 2021.
“As chair of the Senate of Ireland, I would like to wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Daly,” the email said. “I would also like to extend an invitation to you, your family, friends or constituents to visit the Irish Senate, where I would be delighted to give a VIP tour.”
After mentioning the “long and enduring relationship between our two republics,” Daly noted that “If you would have time to take a call, I would be delighted to wish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day personally or at a time convenient for you.”
The Sullivan’s Island took advantage of Daly’s offer, and the chair of the Senate of Ireland appeared by Zoom at the Council’s regularly scheduled meeting that evening, taking a few minutes to wish everyone on the island a happy St. Patrick’s Day.