What's happening next door?
For information on the Andell West development head on over to the Charleston County Planning Commission meeting.
As of now, members agree that the development is consistent with the standards of the Planned Development Zoning District article. Therefore, this criterion is met.
They also agree that the subject parcel is recommended for the Urban/Suburban Mixed Use Future Land Category in the Comprehensive Plan, which is described as encouraging “compatible mixed-use development and a general land use pattern that includes a variety of housing types, retail, service, employment, civic, and compatible industrial uses, as well as public and open spaces and linkages to public transit in a walkable environment.” The subject property is located within the Urban Growth Boundary next to Freshfields Village, where the current uses include, but are not limited to: professional offices; restaurants; retail sales; financial services; hair, nail and skin care services; a gasoline service station; and a hotel. Due to the wide variety of existing and allowed commercial and residential uses in the immediate area, this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendation and the stated purposes of the ZLDR.
By providing the required Letters of Coordination from service and utility providers, including Fire and EMS, water and sewer, and the County Public Works Department, the applicant has demonstrated that all applicable agencies will be able to provide the necessary services, facilities, and programs to serve the proposed development.