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Susan’s love of art started in elementary school. There she spent many hours drawing and painting. As a child Susan and her family lived and traveled in Europe for 6 years, giving her the opportunity to see many great works of art as well as varied and beautiful landscapes.
Love of art always stayed with her. After leaving a career in social work in Lancaster, PA to raise her children, Susan started taking art classes with local artists when her children were in high school. In 2008 artist Barbara Buchanan introduced her to pastels and all the wonderful colors available. A love affair was born! Since then, Susan has participated in numerous workshops with Stan Sperlak, Alain Picard, Susan Nicholas Gephart, Jen Evenhus, Lyn Asselta, Jacob Aguilar, and Eve Miller. Several of Susan’s paintings have appeared in juried exhibitions in PA and MD. She is a member and treasurer of the Pastel Society of South Carolina and an associate member of the Pastel Society of America.
Susan and her husband Andy vacationed in Kiawah and Seabrook for 31 years before moving to Seabrook full time in May 2021 from Pennsylvania. The colors of the lowcountry marshes and skies continue to inspire as do memories of her Pennsylvania garden.
There will be a reception for Susan on Tuesday, April 4th, 4:30-6:00 at the Lake House. Come by to see Susan’s beautiful pastels and meet the artist.