The 44th annual Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10.
Race Start
Race start will be located at the West Beach Conference Center. All runners are ready for the 8 a.m. start. This race is not seeded; however, we do ask late arrivals to join the group at the end of the line. Pace signs will be throughout the starting line to organize runners. Please respect faster runners and line up accordingly. Runners interested in being a part of our elite corral can find more information here.
There will be 15 pace groups. Nine pacers will lead the full marathon with finish goals ranging from 3:25 to 5 hours. Six pacers will lead the half marathon with finish goals ranging from 1:45 to 3 hours. Beginning at 7:30 a.m., Pacers will be lined up holding their pace sign.
Even if you are not running with a pacer, we ask that everyone line up according to their pace. Beast Pacing is our pacing partner. Beast Pacing provides pacers for events across the United States and abroad. Their pacers are professional and have fun helping other runners reach their goals. Whether it is a Boston Qualifying Time you are looking for, a personal record or just someone to run with, Beast Pacing is there to help.
Their pacers are chosen for their ability to successfully lead a group while keeping them motivated all the way to the finish. Pacers are assigned to Full Marathon times 20 minutes slower than they typically run (Half Marathon times 10 minutes slower) and are required to finish the race within 1 minute of goal time, but never over.
Course Restrictions
• The course time limit is 6.5 hours. The course will officially close at 2:30 p.m.
• All runners must have a Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon bib.
• Participants are not permitted on the race course with animals, bicycles, baby joggers or strollers.
• Runners are encouraged not to use earphones or earbuds for portable devices. If earbuds or phones are used, the runner may only use one earbud or earphone.
• Spectators on bikes may not pace runners.
• The majority of the course lies within a private community and is not accessible to the general public.
• Runners must run the course that is assigned to the bib they are wearing. Switching race distance mid race results in a disqualification.
Runner Tracking
Runner tracking is available through the download of the RaceJoy app. The participant must be carrying their phone during the race. There is no information to enter during the registration process to participate in this method of runner tracking.
The Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon sponsors RaceJoy to provide participants and spectators the following complimentary features:
• Receive GPS-based progress alerts at mile points on the course for current pace and estimated finish time
• Post to your Facebook and Twitter walls
• Supporting spectators can track your blue dot moving along the course from home or at the race site
• NearMe proximity alerts notify spectators when you are drawing near
• Find each other using RaceJoy’s MeetUp tool
• Receive fun, motivational audio cheers from your supporting fans through the
“Send-a-cheer feature”
Aid Stations
Aid stations are placed approximately every two miles and are supplied with Appalachian Spring Water and Gatorade. Volunteers will present water first and Gatorade second, and lastly a water refill station. The volunteers distributing Gatorade will be wearing yellow jerseys.
Drop Zones
In an effort to be environmentally responsible and reduce trash in our marshes, drop zones will be located on the course of the Full Marathon and the Half Marathon. You will find these drop zones after each water station.
Trash, recyclables (plastic water bottles, water station cups), and any clothing items should be dropped within the drop zone.
First Aid
Medical personnel from Trident Sports Medicine, MUSC and Charleston County EMS will be located at the finish line medical tent and on the course to assist any runner in case of an emergency. Over the counter medication will not be available on the course.
Port-a-lets will be available in front of and behind the start / finish line, and placed approximately every two miles along the course.
Road Closures/Delays:
On Race Day - Saturday, December 10 - please avoid the following roads:
• Ship Watch Road | 7:30-8:30 a.m. • Kiawah Beach Drive | 7:45- 8:30 a.m.
• Kiawah Island Parkway | 8-9 a.m.
• Governors Drive (Vanderhorst Gate to 1st Flyway Drive) | 8:15-9:15 a.m.
• Governors Drive (1st Flyway to Ocean Course Drive) | 8:30-9:45 a.m.
If you have specific race day traffic questions, email Kiawah_Marathon@KiawahResort.com or call Kiawah Recreation at 843-768-6001. For more information, visit KiawahMarathon.com.