This diagram shows decibel levels as described by Sutton.
I am writing in response to the recent article in The Island Connection titled: Seabrook Won't Remain Mute Anymore - Noise Ordinance Taking Effect. As a homeowner, I was disappointed to note its focus on noisy rental guests. Yes, I know: Rental guests make noise. So do homeowners. So I was glad to read that the Council was interested in studying the noise issue as it pertains to all of Seabrook's residents.
I was most surprised at the lack of any mention of the loudest, most pervasive noise on the Island. By far the noisiest, most noxious, health-harming and environmental threatening noise on Seabrook Island is unnecessarily created throughout the day by our hired landscapers.
Yes, I am talking about the gas-powered, 2-stroke engine backpack style leaf blowers used by many of Seabrook's approved and licensed landscape companies. The decibel rate of a 4-stroke backpack blower ranges between 70 and 80. The decibel rate of a 2-stroke backpack blower can be well over 100. In comparison, a soft whisper is 30 and a normal conversation is around 60. It is significant to note that, like hurricane strength measurements, every 10 decibel increase equates to a doubling of the noise created.
Gas-powered leaf blowers are not just loud, they are highly polluting. In one hour, each of these behemoths can spew more CO2 than an automobile idling for eight hours. The force that these exert far exceeds that need to move leaves and pine needles. They also stir up harmful substances such as pollen, fertilizers and weed killers.
So what are the possible solutions? How about offering a monetary incentive to switch to battery operated blowers? Waive licensing and gate entry fees for those companies that are willing to replace noisy and air polluting blowers with quieter, battery operated blowers. (The average decibel rate for battery-operated blowers is listed between 60 and 70 dB.) Allow them to advertise their service as low(er) noise and more environmentally aware.
Homeowners may worry that the landscaping companies will not be able to afford to make such a change. They are concerned about the employees' right to earn a living. So am I. But those same employees are now risking hearing loss, permanent lung damage and other medical problems. That also concerns me.
For right now, homeowners might consider having their property blown only twice a month instead of weekly. Perhaps learn to live with a few errant leaves or pine needles on your lawns and walkways. Or better yet, homeowners who are able can purchase their own relatively inexpensive battery operated blowers to use at their own discretion.
Our community continues to grow. Lots are cleared of sound-buffering vegetation while the number of homes requiring landscaping services increases. By taking no action, the noise from blowers will increase in distance traveled and amount of time we spend hearing it. By the way, the decibels currently created exceed those of motorcycles (banned) traveling at our speed limit of 25 mph. Hundreds of other communities around the country have limited or banned the use of gas powered leaf blowers. I believe the time is right for Seabrook Island to follow their lead.