The Bohicket Billfish Tournament is back May 10-13, 2023. This is the first competition in a series of four which comprises the South Carolina Governor's Cup, a competition spanning a 35-year history. By encouraging live tag and release, the series has focused attention on the sharp decline of Atlantic billfish and encouraged conservation of all marine resources.
During the tournament, anglers compete for four major awards:
- Outstanding Billfish (single heaviest billfish),
- Outstanding Billfish Boat (most accumulated points)
- Outstanding Billfish Conservationist (most points for tagged or released fish)
- Blue Water Conservation Award (most accumulated tag and release points for dolphin, wahoo, and yellowfin tuna).
Points are awarded based on a documented catch and release via video or other verifiable method showing that the fish was indeed caught and released back into the ocean. Depending on the size of the fish, it may indeed be captured and brought to shore for a weigh in. The point system was created to dissuade trawlers from bringing in young fish to receive higher points for their release.
The purpose of the program is the preservation of billfish. Billfish may live up to 15 years. Unlike meat fish, spawning of billfish doesn’t occur until around their 8th year. Information from captured and killed billfish is collected by the DNR for scientific research, such as collection of the inner ear bone. Like trees, circles formed in the ear bone offer information to scientists as to the age of the dead fish. Other information may also be gained from information gathered on deck.
Contact: Beau Anderson I 843-768-1280 l