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World Sea Turtle Day, June 16th, is a day used to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles. These creatures, like any other creature, are magnificent in their own way. Not only are sea turtles beautiful animals, but they also show incredible perseverance and resiliency – after all, they have been nesting on beaches for millions of years. So of course they deserve their own day dedicated to their awesomeness!
World Sea Turtle Day would not be rightfully celebrated without mentioning, Dr. Archie Carr, Sea Turtle Conservancy’s founder and “father of sea turtle biology.” World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated the same day as Dr. Carr’s birthday, June 16th. Dr. Carr will forever be remembered for the enhancement of the sea turtle conservation movement and the legacy he has left behind. His research and advocacy brought attention to the threatening conditions that continue to impact sea turtles today. His work highlighted the issues and helped create the community that continues to strive for a better life and future for sea turtles around the globe.
To learn more about Dr. Carr and turtle conservation, please visit the Sea Turtle Conservancy’s website at conserveturtles.org .
If you’re looking to support turtles locally, there are many options! Here are just a few…
1. Be a great beach steward! Pick up trash, fill in holes and knock down sandcastles, and don’t leave anything behind at the end of the day!
2. Volunteer at the South Carolina Aquarium
3. Buy a South Carolina turtle license plate, which supports the South Carolina Department Of Natural Resources in protecting our state’s sea turtles.