Turtle Season is starting again, so don’t forget that from May 1 through October 31, all outdoor lighting facing the ocean on beach front units must be turned off from dusk to dawn. Also, close the drapes or shades on windows facing the ocean during this time period.
Mama turtles dig nests by moonlight and can be easily spooked by a bright light, even a camera flashing a picture. Later in the summer newly hatched turtles will use moonlight reflecting from the ocean waves to find their way to the water.
When on the beach at dark, please use red filters on flashlights. Artificial light such as flashlights without filters can disturb the turtles. This includes flashlights on phones as well.
A few more reminders:
Fill in any holes that you may dig on the beach as the mama turtle and hatchlings could get caught in them.
Remove any beach chairs, tents or sports equipment at the end of the day. Equipment might ensnare the turtles.
Throw away any food you might have brought to the beach. It may be dangerous to the turtles and also attract predators.
Keep plastics off the beach. Plastic bags and wrappers can look like jellyfish in the water. Jellyfish are a major food source for turtles.
Don’t disturb nesting mamas, existing nests or any hatchlings you may see.
If you see a mama turtle or hatchlings on the beach, and there aren’t any Turtle Patrol volunteers around, please call 843-310-4280.
Please share this with your guests and renters.
Go to siturtlepatrol.com for more information.