Due to the recent resignation of a member of the Utility Commission for the Town of Seabrook Island – Leon Vancini, who was just re-elected for a second term in January 2022 – Mayor John Gregg attempted to appoint a new member during his report at the regular Council meeting on Sept. 27.
Annie Smith-Jones, chair of the Utility Commission, recommended that Council appoint Laurence Buchman, after she vetted eight applications that came in through Town Hall.
Buchman’s appointment would fulfill Vancini’s term through 2027. But the motion to approve Buchman’s immediate appointment to the Utility Commission did not carry. Council Members Barry Goldstein and Pat Fox voiced their concern with not being able to view the seven other applications. When council members were presented with Buchman’s appointment, they were only presented with his application and resume, rather than all the applications.
However, Gregg said that in the current Town code, it is policy for Council to appoint someone to fill a vacancy on the commission if a person resigned or left. Council Members Goldstein and Fox however voiced their concern with not being able to view the other candidates’ applications to review.
However, the mayor said that it is practice for them to defer to the chair of the commission for a recommendation on who should fill a vacancy. “For example, I know Annie was looking for someone who had experience with finance and accounting and she found Larry to be well qualified based on his experience,” Gregg conveyed. “I am making a judgment based on what I think is best for the commission.” Both Goldstein and Fox felt it was best to have a little transparency before they took a vote on appointing Buchman, even though both council members felt he would be a great member for the utility commission. “We are happy to pass along the applications for you all to review,” Gregg announced. “But I am not going to entertain delaying this appointment indefinitely. Ultimately my feeling is that the commission is down a member and that makes it difficult for them to conduct business.”
The Utility Commission is made up of three members. With Vancini’s resignation, the commission is now down to just two members – Smith-Jones, who is the chair, and James Ferland. “If there are only two commissioners, anything that comes before the commission to decide on could result in an inability to make a decision because there are only two commission members. I feel it is important to have the commission fully staffed without delay,” Gregg voiced. The decision was made to delay the vote for the appointment of the Utility Commission member that would fill Vancini’s place until the Town Council Work Session, which will take place on October 11.
Although, Town Council does not normally vote at work sessions, they are making an exception in this case so that they can move this along quickly – rather than waiting for the next Town Council meeting. Council will now have the opportunity to review all eight applications before they vote on the appointment at the work session on Oct. 11. At the end of the Town Council meeting, Smith-Jones expressed her disappointment in having to wait. “I’m disappointed,” Smith-Jones said. “Council had plenty of time to review the applications since I got them from Town Hall. That is where they were submitted. I even asked to put these applications up on the website and on Tidelines. There were opportunities to review them before today. There is nothing new about this. Lee announced he was leaving in August. We have so much going on with the Utility Commission right now. We need a fully staffed commission in order to get the work done.” Smith-Jones also said that it is not typical for Utility Commission members to leave in the middle of their term or even just after they begin. “It is very uncommon actually. Most of the past members were elected in, not appointed.”
Utility Commission members for the Town of Seabrook Island serve six-year terms. The commission was established by ordinance of Town Council for the purpose of managing operations and maintenance of the town’s water and sewer system. The Seabrook Island Utility Commission provides water and wastewater service to all residents and businesses within the town. They provide wastewater treatment to some areas outside of the town limits, including Cassique, Freshfields Village and Kiawah River Estates.