Hurricane season began on June 1 and runs through November 30. Check out Tidelines for more details on where you can go to find information on the items below.
Before we even receive warnings that a hurricane is imminent, now is the time to prepare.
Prepare your home and yard:
o Clean out the ground floor.
o Inspect and secure your property.
o Obtain sandbags.
o Fill propane tank and have it inspected for hurricane readiness.
Gather and protect important documents.
Protect your treasures.
o Pack up stored items into plastic containers with secure lids.
o Consider digitizing photos and family videotapes.
o Move documents and rarely worn jewelry to safe deposit box.
o Back up computer photos and files to the cloud or external hard drive.
Prepare for possible insurance claim:
o Take a video of the contents of your home with your cell phone.
o Check coverage levels with regard to any renovations or new acquisitions.
o Gather receipts and model and serial numbers of high-priced items.
Buy storm supplies.
Make sure your pets’ shots are current and microchip data is up to date.
Our Hurricane Hints can be accessed at any time on the Tidelines website. Use the Hurricane Hints dropdown menu.
Remember, be prepared, stay safe.