Mike Muzzy, chair of the Wild Dunes Men’s Golf Association’s Prostate Cancer Foundation Committee, was hoping the organization might be able to donate as much as $400,000 to the fight against the disease from its 2023 golf tournament and auction. Now that figure could approach the $1 million mark, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor who also serves on the national Prostate Cancer Foundation board. Muzzy learned recently that, through the efforts of local resident Scott Bascomb and Chris Conway, director of the PCF’s golf programming events & initiatives, the board member has agreed to match whatever WDMGA raises this year. “I think we’re going to go between $800,000 and $1 million this year,” Muzzy commented. He explained that Bascomb, who started the WDMGA a decade ago, came up with the idea to find someone who was willing to match whatever the organization raised. Muzzy discussed the idea with Conway, who “pursued it vigorously.” The golf tournament is scheduled for May 13 on the Wild Dunes Links and Harbor courses. Muzzy said 320 golfers are expected to tee up. The Prostate Cancer Foundation has donated resources to more than 2,200 programs at over 245 research centers in 28 countries, including the Medical University of South Carolina.
To learn more about sponsorships for the tournament and other events, contact Muzzy at 516-220-6580 or mike@WDMGAPCF.org.