The IOP Exchange Club Committee urges everyone to purchase their tickets to the “Shag by the Sea” as soon as possible. They are likely to sell out soon. The Committee hopes that you can join them in this “magical music evening,” featuring the Band of Oz, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jan. 29 at the Citadel Beach Club. Whether you are a shagger or just love great music, this will be an evening to remember. The event is a fundraiser for the preservation and beautification of our waterfront project. The Committee hopes this will become an annual event. “Groupies” from shag communities from Hilton Head to Myrtle Beach will be attending, along with our Exchange family, their friends and others.
Tickets are $125 per person. If you want to join us in making memories, scan the QR code on the flier below or send a check to Isle of Palms Community Corporation, Band of Oz, P.O. Box 131, Isle of Palms, South Carolina 29451.