The captivating Netflix series "Outer Banks" has won over the hearts of viewers with its gripping storyline, and interestingly, a significant portion of the show takes place in Charleston, SC rather than the expected North Carolina's Outer Banks. Throughout its three seasons, the show has utilized various iconic locations in the Lowcountry.
Here are 14 notable Charleston locations that have made appearances in Outer Banks:
Shem Creek
- Shem Creek: This scenic spot serves as the backdrop when the gang embarks on waterway adventures, featuring the charming shrimp boats and buildings.
- Lowndes Grove: The charming and quintessentially Southern Lowndes Grove, which operates as a stunning wedding venue in Charleston, sets the stage for the Cameron's Tanneyhill estate.
Aaron & Jillian Photography
Lowndes Grove
- Kiawah Island Golf Resort: In Season 1, JJ finds employment as a waiter at this renowned golf resort, adding a touch of reality to his character's story.
- Gaillard Center: The impressive Gaillard Center doubles as the University of Chapel Hill law library in Season 1, providing a convincing academic setting.
- Morris Island Lighthouse: This historic lighthouse becomes a significant location in Season 3 when Sarah and Topper visit it after spending the night at the boneyard.
- Old Village of Mount Pleasant: Filmed frequently throughout all three seasons, this charming area houses key locations such as the police station and the site where Kiara witnesses Sarah's father commit a murder.
- The Wreck of the Richard and Charlene: Located at the tip where Shem Creek meets the ocean, this restaurant serves as the fictional eatery, The Wreck, owned by Kiara's parents.
Pitt Street Bridge
- Pitt Street Bridge: In Season 3, the Pitt Street Bridge takes center stage as JJ rides his dirt bike across it after a fight with Kiara, providing an exhilarating visual.
- Bohicket Marina: This marina becomes the residence of the Cameron family in Season 3, where Sarah thought she was paying her sister Wheezie a visit and falls into a trap orchestrated by her father.
- Bowens Island Restaurant: John B and JJ visit this establishment in their quest to secure a plane ride to South America from Mike.
- Geechie Seafood: This restaurant portrays the fictional eatery owned by Pope's parents.
- The Ben Silver Collection: During their trip to Chapel Hill in Season 1, John B and Sarah visit this high-end clothing store on King Street to shop for new attire.
- Ravenell Bridge: Shown as the gang travels to Charleston on the Twinkie, this bridge also features in Season 3 when John B and his father venture to the Charleston Museum.
- The Charleston Museum: In Season 3, John B and his father embark on a quest for an artifact, leading them to this renowned museum.
Ravanell Bridge
These 14 iconic Charleston locations have not only provided stunning visuals for "Outer Banks" but have also become integral elements of the show's storytelling. Be sure to tour the city and visit each of these locations the next time you're in Charleston.