Several weeks ago, the Isle of Palms Police Department was made aware of a “pop-up party” advertised for May 6th, 2023. Since then, our agency has been working with local, state, and federal partners to prepare for this event. Our preparations will include a multi-tiered approach, including extra personnel, additional equipment, and intelligence analysis. The Isle of Palms Police Department invites everyone to enjoy the beach on May 6th and any other day; however, we will have a zero-tolerance approach to all violations of city ordinances and state laws.
Therefore, we will have a significant law enforcement presence on the roads and beach on this date. You will see law-enforcement officers from multiple jurisdictions assisting our agency, working under the authority of a mutual aid agreement. The Isle of Palms beach is for everyone to enjoy. Our officers will continue to work hard to keep this island a peaceful and safe environment for all those who live, work and play in our community.
Isle of Palms City Ordinance Sec 8-8-1
Gatherings on Public Property, Including the Beach and Beach Access Paths
(A) Permission from the Isle of Palms Police Department in the form of a permit is
required for gatherings on public property, including the beach and beach access
paths, that are expected to involve more than fifty (50) people.