We on Johns Island share one key attribute with Sullivan’s Island and the Isle of Palms – and it lies in our name. We all live on an Island. By its very nature that means that no matter how many bridges are added, we still have a limited number of ways to get on and off our islands.
Islanders understand that the more bridges there are, the more development there will be. More bridges and roads beget more development, which begets more traffic congestion, which begets more bridges and roads. Rinse and repeat.
I mention this because recently the Charleston County Council voted to spend $75 million of our money to continue work on the $2.2-billion – yes billion – Mark Clark extension project to Johns and James Islands. They did this without any real plan to fund the remaining effort.
Their notional concept is to have a large portion of a 2024 referendum for a half-cent sales tax be allocated solely to this project. That means that sorely needed projects throughout the county, including on Johns Island, will not be funded.
Despite opposition from Council members Henry Darby, Larry Kobrovsky and Rob Wehrman, the other County Council members took the gamble that the referendum will pass.
Between now and the 2024 election, you should expect special interest groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Home Builders Association and the Realtor associations to try and convince you that this project is a good investment. Don’t believe them.
Instead, insist that our tax dollars be spent on improving our roads throughout the county and not spent on ego projects such as the Mark Clark extension.
John Zlogar
Johns Island