I am Jeff Forslund, and I am announcing my candidacy to seek another term on the Isle of Palms Water and Sewer Commission. Two years ago, a position was open on the Isle of Palms Water and Sewer Commission when a commissioner was elected to the City Council and had to vacate the board of IOPWSC. Two of the longtime commissioners approached me and asked if I would consider applying for the open slot. These are two men who knew me personally and professionally for over 25 years. They knew my background in waste management and wastewater treatment plant services. Of course, I said yes and interviewed with the commission and with the City Council and was selected, receiving unanimous approval of the City Council.
My wife, Linda, and I moved to the island almost 38 years ago, and we have seen many changes. In the’80s and before, the water quality was so low, one could not brew a decent pot of coffee or boil pasta with the water, much less take a satisfying shower. We now have great clean water, the same good water as Charleston, Mount Pleasant, James Island and West Ashley. That progress improved our quality of life a lot.
On the wastewater side, we are nearing completion of the 41st Street wastewater treatment plant. We currently haul 25,000 to 30,000 gallons of processed sludge to Mount Pleasant for final treatment, and this state-of-the-art facility and its technology will cut the amount of waste leaving IOP by over 90%. Its modular design can be expanded to eventually handle all the sanitary waste generated on the island as people voluntarily elect to connect to the sewer system.
I worked at a company for over 30 years that had a long history of providing waste hauling and plant maintenance to most of the treatment plants in the tri-county area. We cleaned digesters, clarifiers, lift stations, grease traps and septic tanks. One of our early contracts was with the IOP Water and SewerCommission at least 25 years ago. We handled all the liquid and solid waste generated by both IOP treatment plants.
I feel that my long-term residence on the IOP, along with my 30 years of experience in providing services needed to operate and maintain our plants, gives me insight into what we need now and in the future.Most important to me was the confidence in my experience to be recruited by current commission members to join their successful team, and the unanimous approval by City Council was a humbling and rewarding experience. Now I ask for your confidence and your vote for me to remain a member of our great IOP Water and Sewer Commission.