The Town of Sullivan's Island on Wednesday provided the following updates on Tropical Storm Debby:
Based on the most recent update from the National Weather Service and Charleston County Emergency Management, TS Debby is forecasted to restrengthen a bit and re-curve toward the Southeast today before making landfall along the central South Carolina coast tonight. Debby is expected to produce an additional 3 to 9 inches of rainfall with wind gusts through Friday.
Town Hall Re-opening:
Limited staff will return to Town Hall to serve residents beginning 1PM Thursday (8-8-2024). All Town Hall staff members will still be available via office phone forwarding.
Police, Fire Rescue and W&S Departments remain fully staffed and will be standing by at the ready to lend assistance as needed. In the event of an emergency always dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency Police, Fire or Water and Sewer issue, contact Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch at 843-743-7200. Questions about Charleston County emergency operations dial 843-746-3900.
Power Outages:
Dominion Energy has been working throughout the day to restore outages for over 700 Sullivan’s Island homes. Use caution when driving near Station 12 and Middle Street as Dominion crews are replacing a switchgear cabinet and main transformer. This replacement may cause additional outages for approximately two hours (5-7PM).
High Water Notice & Street Closures:
Multiple Sullivan’s Island streets remain covered with water with some exceeding 24”- 30” in depth. The following streets have been closed as of 5PM, Wednesday (8-7-2024). Please be aware that flooding conditions are expected to worsen this evening after landfall:
- Atlantic Ave: from Sand Dunes Club to Station 18
- Atlantic Ave: from Station 26 to 27
- Atlantic Ave: from Station 29 to 31 (between I’On and Marshall)
- Bayonne St: from Station 26 to 27
- Marshall Blvd: from Station 28 to 31
- Brownell Ave: from Station 28 to 31
Please use extreme caution and drive slowly along residential streets when covered with water; wakes damage homes!
Trash Collection:
Due to Charleston County’s closure of the landfill on Tuesday-Thursday the schedule for collection the rest of the week will be as follows:
- Wednesday routes serviced on Friday
- Thursday routes serviced on Saturday
- Friday routes will be made up on next scheduled service day.
Other Information:
- Please participate in the Town’s Flood Survey by sharing pictures and experiences; connect via the link
share/ a1838f414ce4499a8b9f038e96f54b 3b - Never approach a downed power line as it or the ground around it may be energized. Contact Dominion Energy at 1-888-333-4465 for power outages. View the Dominion Energy Outage Map at https://outagemap. - If you are leaving the Island overnight for the duration of the event, consider turning off your water supply at the customer shut off valve.
Final conference call #6 is scheduled Thursday afternoon at 2PM with Charleston County Emergency Management and National Weather Service. Town staff will be out in force conducting post-storm damage assessments by noon Thursday.
Please stay safe,
Joe Henderson
Town Administrator
• Sand bags are available at the Sullivan’s Island Fire Station. Sand is available at Quarter Street. • Continue to review your family hurricane plan. • Monitor local media outlets for the most current storm updates. • Secure all lawn and porch furniture and plants that could become projectiles in the wind.