Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic (BIFMC), a free clinic in Charleston County located at 3226 Maybank Highway on Johns Island, currently offers free health care services to uninsured adults who reside or work on Johns, James or Wadmalaw Islands; Folly Beach; or who serve downtown Charleston’s hospitality industry. Beginning November 1, 2022, BIFMC is pleased to announce that the Clinic will extend their service area to include any uninsured adult who lives or works in Meggett, Ravenel, Hollywood, and Walterboro, in accordance with existing eligibility criteria. In addition, BIFMC will expand the Hospitality Inclusion Project (HIP) Initiative, currently inclusive of hospitality workers on the Charleston peninsula, Folly Beach, and Barrier Islands, to also include all eligible uninsured hospitality workers in West Ashley, Meggett, Ravenel, Hollywood and Walterboro. The HIP Initiative aims to expand patient eligibility and provide free healthcare, specialty referrals, and low/no cost prescription services to all uninsured hospitality workers (Hotel, Bar, Tourism and Restaurant), ages 18-65 who do not have health insurance. As a large, 140-volunteer free clinic centrally located on Johns Island, we feel we are uniquely positioned to expand and serve the health care needs of this patient population. The Clinic’s commitment to the Barrier Islands remains steadfast as we grow our vision of providing a free medical home to those in our community without access to health care. We will continue to stand in the gap of health care inequity and offer free, high quality, compassionate medical services to those without health insurance, and we look forward to extending our hand as we are able in the future – all thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers.
It has long been our philosophy that everyone deserves the dignity of healthcare. We are grateful to continue to put this philosophy into action.