There is never a time when issues concerning public safety don’t take precedence on Seabrook Island. As Public Safety Committee members wind down 2022, they recently met with deputies to discuss some plans for 2023.
Town Council Member Dan Kortvelesy gave a public safety committee update at the recent Town Council meeting on Oct. 25. In mid-October, the committee met with two deputies assigned to the Kiawah Island station.
Kortvelesy said that in the meeting the deputies introduced the different services they offer and want to offer in the future. “For example, for the events that we have planned in the summer of 2023, maybe we could put up a table of public safety information. We need to use those events to engage the public and educate them,” Kortvelesy said. Kortvelesy gave examples of educating the public on issues like child safety or information about protecting your identity online. “The deputies have literature and information they can share on a variety of topics,” he said. Kortvelesy also said they would like to plan a public safety fair in 2023 and that they could expand beyond the sheriff’s department and invite the fire department, code enforcement officers and other members of the community involved in public safety. Kortvelesy also brought up that the committee was debriefed on Hurricane Ian and they discussed some of the processes they want to bring forth the next time a hurricane threatens the area. “We would like to have better communication with SIPOA and the Club,” Kortvelesy said. “No matter how we communicate, no matter how they receive it, we need better communication and they need to be getting the same messages across the board. We need to make sure they all get it.”
The Seabrook Island Public Safety Committee is made up of five members and is chaired by Town Council Member Dan Kortvelesy. Ed Maher is the vice chair, and the other members are Virginia Lark Asbelle, Frank Farfone and Art Jones.
• Developing and maintaining a planning process which will result in the systemic preparation and continual re-evaluation and updating of all elements of the Town’s Comprehensive Emergency Plan.
• Reviewing and providing recommendations to Town Council on general matters related to public health and safety.
• Identifying resources necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the public.
• Coordinating with outside entities, community organizations and emergency service providers on issues related to emergency management and disaster response planning.
• Coordinating with emergency service providers.
• Providing recommendations to Town Council on awarding contracts for emergency-related services.
• Undertaking public relations activities on hazards.